Web App Development

For the last 13 years Emerx has been providing web app development services in USA and globally. We also provide server-side programming in a wide range of technologies such as PHP, .NET, etc.

Our Web app development and Server programming services include Brand Design, Creative Design, Web programming, front-end development services, and backend integration with business systems.

web app development

Provide Full-cycle Web Development Services

A lot of applications are built on Content Management Systems and Artificial Machines is an experienced Drupal developer. This allows us to use a lot of open source software to accelerate development and reduce costs. Content Management systems also provide a lot of functionality out of the box that allow rapid web application design and development. In addition to website and content management programming, we have expertise in ERP and CRM integration. All our websites are designed to work very well on Mobile phones and tablets along with the desktop.

Product analysis and competitor research

We conduct detailed research to identify and understand clients target audience and application requirement. This helps us to develop a solution as per clients audience's needs, In this way we try to address the exact issues you aim to address or the solutions client seek.


We code to build high-quality solutions that perform superbly, seamlessly, and are secure using latest or client preferred programming languages.

UI/UX Design

After identifying clients requirements and objectives, our experienced team create wireframes and share it with client for approval. Any changes or iterations client can suggest and we do it in the wire-frames. Our creative designing team converts wireframes into interactive designs by keeping client’s expectations in mind.

Functioning web app

The web applications are then tested thoroughly with in-house team, and all the errors resolved before we move to the final stage. The final stage of web app developement is taking the project live and ensuring that its working seamless error free.

Web Development Services


Turn your idea from concept to MVP


Sketch out the product to align the user needs


Convert the designs into a live application


Launching the application to the market

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Our Process


We conduct detailed research to identify and understand clients target audience and application requirement. This helps us to develop a solution as per clients audience’s needs, In this way we try to address the exact issues you aim to address or the solutions client seek.


After identifying clients requirements and objectives, our experienced team create wireframes and share it with client for approval. Any changes or iterations client can suggest and we do it in the wire-frames.


The next step is UI/UX design, where our team creates a simple, interactive and easy-to-use user interface that improves user experience and engages your customers.


After design, we start coding to build high-quality solutions that perform superbly, seamlessly, and are secure using latest or client preferred programming languages.


The solutions are then tested thoroughly with in-house team on multiple devices, and all the errors resolved before we move to the final stage.


The final stage is taking the project live and ensuring that its working seamless error free and meets the app store guidelines.


We value the most is our client relationships which last beyond our project. We pride ourselves on providing free 3 month support for any issues.

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+91 73873 85823